Ketchikan Cares Crises Line

Are you in crises?

907-225-2273 (care)

Depression - Anxiety - Bullying - Abuse - Suicide - School Stress

Counselors available 24/7


School District Policy states that all medication taken at school must be brought in by a parent/guardian.  Medication must be in its original bottle/original packaging and cannot be given out unless the proper form is filled out and signed by the parent/guardian. Prescription forms require the signature of a licensed health professional.  Forms are available in the office, or you can download them HERE

Sign up for Text Alerts

Want to receive text messages regarding start times, cancellations, etc? 
Simply text any one of the following words to the number 67587: subscribe, option, yes.  Reply STOP to quit, HELP for help

Delayed Start Schedule

If a delayed start is called for school, please follow this schedule by clicking this link.